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The mathematical approach provides new insights into complex dynamics with the strategies of simplifying the model. Training of mathematical modeling through independent research projects during my undergraduate program facilitated my skills in understanding complex problems and strategically design and develop working prototypes from scratch. This skill further advanced into 3D modeling of a complex biological system, mitral valve and proposing its mathematical blueprint.

Pendulum dynamics

Walking model

Rimless Wheel

Hopping model

Paper cockroach robot

Mathematical blueprint of mitral valve 

Characteristic of a vertebrate heart is its ability to pump blood to a vascular bed guarded by one-way valves and achieve adequate perfusion by maintaining a high-pressure gradient. A mathematical blueprint of one such valve, i.e.; mitral valve (MV) is highly conserved amongst all vertebrates and is characterized by a complex dynamic interaction between a left ventricle (LV) and its leaflets. Understanding such a blueprint in a mathematical sense has the potential for diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic impact not only for MV disease but LV dysfunction/failure. 

CPR simulation computational model & assessment tool

A computational simulation study to evaluate passive leg-raising (PLR) effects on CPR by developing a CPR-PLR model. Although the benefits of PLR during CPR have been often discussed, PLR was not able to be included in the official guideline due to the lack of clinical evidence whether PLR has a real effect. The measurement PLR effects during CPR is very difficult due to motion artifacts caused by chest compressions. The CPR-PLR computational model allows investigating changes in predicted parameters (e.g. CO, SPP, and CPP ) under different compression rates and angles of leg raising. 


A new manikin-integrated, digital measuring system that objectively estimates CPR performance. This study was cited and featured in the official CPR guidelines booklet in the US and Europe as well as in major journals such as Circulation, Resuscitation, and Pediatrics.

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