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Over the last 10+ years I have worked closely with physicians, engineers, and scientists in numerous different specialties; incorporating a wide range of technologies towards the design and prototyping of innovative medical devices and software.


My multidisciplinary research experiences range from the development of microscale testing platforms for cell biology, to macroscale extracorporeal assistive medical devices. My postdoctoral research has been focused on the development of novel cardiac devices that minimize the invasiveness of cardiac surgical procedures while reducing the labor and dangers associated with maintenance through automation. The goal is to expand the pool of patients who can benefit from such therapies and improve their quality of life.


Building upon these multidisciplinary research experiences, my current research focuses on developing machine learning (ML)-infused medical device & healthcare systems.




Statistical analysis of healthcare data

Deep learning techniques applied to the database of cardiac surgery, healthcare administration, and measurements in medical devices

2020 - present

Columbia University, General Medicine 


2017 - 2020

Yale University, Cardiac surgery 

Macroscale engineering

Circulatory support system ranging from extracorporeal to implantable assistive medical devices

Microscale engineering 

Micro and nano-engineered organ mimicry and testing platform for cell biology, small sample analysis, surface modification

2012 - 2017

Seoul National University, Medical electronics 


2007 - 2011

Cornell University, Mechanical Engineering


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